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2019 season team standings - youth division
Points earned by Athletes on the same team are added together to create their Team Score
Team | Score |
Forge PK | 620 |
Firestorm | 337 |
Sessions PK | 331 |
Breathe PK | 242 |
De Leon Dynamics | 66 |
Move Free Academy | 64 |
Edge | 54 |
Infinite Movement Acadamey (IMA) | 50 |
Abstract In Motion (AIM) | 41 |
APEX | 36 |
Monarx | 35 |
8TA | 19 |
Freedom in Motion (FIM) | 18 |
Collective Movement | 16 |
Red Path Movement | 13 |
Atlas | 0 |
Vault PK | 0 |
Krete Freerunning | 0 |
Tempest | 0 |
Farang | 0 |
4fawgsonalog | 0 |
Revolution (RVPK) | 0 |
OLLO | 0 |
Affinity | 0 |
Freerun | 0 |
Parkour Visions | 0 |
Spinnybois | 0 |
Fly Free | 0 |
Grav | 0 |
Squadron | 0 |
Toasty Lizard Movement | 0 |
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